Stress is a natural reaction to change. Whenever there's a situation in the world or in our lives that we have to adjust to, our bodies produce stress hormones. When you feel stressed, you might find it hard to focus or concentrate.
Any event that causes physical or emotional strain on the body or mind is a stressor. Stress comes from everyday events, including the little things we do each day. It's important to know how to control it.
Causes of Stress
In reality, stress can be good and bad. We all process pressure differently depending on the situation. Sometimes we can tell right away when we’re stressed, but most of the time we just keep going with our lives, not even realizing that we’re under pressure.
Everyday stressors:
- Adapting to the rapid and constant change in our lives, such as demands at work, home, and relationships;
- Being dazed by technological changes, need to develop new skills, or managing endless real-time communication through emails, text messages, and phone calls;
- Constant managing of challenging situations without enough time for a respite;
- Dealing with an illness or that of a family member;
- Handling a critical life event, like moving to a new place, having a baby, or changing jobs;
- Life events, such as a death in the family, divorce or marriage, and job loss;
- As a married person, parent, and employee, you must juggle many responsibilities;
- Worrying over finances, career, and health.
Effects of Stress
Note that stress can be good or bad. It’s good because it prepares the body to respond to dangerous situations. For example, stress can stimulate us when we need to do things, such as meet a work deadline or get ready for an interview, test, or meeting. When we’re under stress for a long time, though, it affects our well-being as a whole, making it a harmful thing.
Examples are poor eating habits, reckless driving, drug or alcohol abuse, carelessness, and aggressive behavior.
This includes anger management issues, anxiety, depression, irritability, helplessness, lack of drive, and relationship troubles.
Frequent stressful events in our life can make us forgetful, increase our inner chatter, and make it hard to concentrate on whatever we are doing. It can also cause learning and speech problems, besides breeding a pessimistic outlook in life.
Too much stress can frequently give us a cold, headaches, muscle tension, trouble sleeping, skin and digestion problems, low energy level, and even loss of ability or desire for sexual relations.
Coping Strategies
We can't avoid stress, but the least we can do is take steps to cope with it. Stress management includes doing regular exercise and relaxation, besides spending time alone or in the company of friends and family and friends. You can also take some time to read a book, listen to music, and do some gardening. And make sure to stick to a wholesome sleeping pattern daily, preferably from 10 to five or six in the next day's morning.
Of course, you must go for healthy, balanced meals consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fish. You may also consider supplements that promote stress reduction, such as ReCalm Stress Relief Complex. This is especially good for professionals living an intensive lifestyle. Also, organizing your daily tasks by writing a list can facilitate your focus on viewing each job completed.
Manage your time well by prioritizing tasks and identifying what you can do later or what can be delegated. Make sure to be realistic with your work time frame and thank yourself for the work done well. This will enable you to keep going happily. So, aim to manage stress actively. Inactive ways, such as screen time or use, may seem chilling out, but they can increase your stress level after some time.
Avoiding intake of illegal substances, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol and caffeine also helps manage stress. You may also check on many other effective strategies to adjust your setting, such as making sure your bedroom conducive to sleeping. However, the secret of having better control of stress lies in your early noticing that your stress level is already affecting your feelings or behavior. After all, being mindful can help you take immediate relief actions, right?
Effective managing of stress can help set yourself free from its adverse effects on your existence. So, if you want to be more productive, healthier, and happier each day of your life, manage your stress levels. Your ultimate reward will be a balanced existence tattered by precious memories of rest, work, relationships, and fun. On top of this, you will develop the resilience needed to hold yourself up when pressured and meeting challenges without fear.